Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Hunger Games Challenge: Day Fourteen

Today's challenge is: Your favorite tribute (besides Katniss or Peeta)

They weren't really my favorite tribute anyway. So here is my list of tributes:

1. Foxface
2. Johanna Mason
3. Finnick Odair (I know...)
4. Maysilee Donner
5. Beetee
6. Cato

As I explained before, Foxface was the smartest tribute I've ever met,well except that one time with the berries. She knew what to do,was very calm, and she wasn't even a Career! I Loved the part where she exploded the Careers' food and supply. Plus she didn't seem to participate during the Cornuopia's bloodbath so she has to get weapons while everyone was armed and was able to. Foxface was also able escape some traps which was very skilled for her.

I admire Johanna's method: she acted like a weakling, fatigued fool and just when someone was about to kill her, she strikes like a cobra. To me, she is indifferent, hardy, and tough which is amazing to show girl power. I like how sheis very skillful with an axe.

Don't ask about Finnick Odair...

Maysilee Donner was the original owner of the mockinjay pin, and she was a good tribute until she died. If Haymitch and Maysilee lived (like Peeniss) I think they would fall in love. It's too bad it never happened. I always felt like Haymitch really missed Maysilee and was his genuine favorite. Maybe that was the pain he was struggling with...

Beetee's okay, I guess. I just like him, I don't know why.

And I explained about Cato too so just look at Day Four. :)

Bye bye now, I am as tired as Haymitch during a hangover. It's 1:42 D:

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