Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Hunger Games Challenge: Day 17

Hello! I am so idle today, the teacher who usually hands me a boatload of homework didn't give us a lot, weird right? So I might even get to do three more parts to chapter one of the hunger games. My goal is up to three parts. So today's challenge today is: the worst death.

A lot of people would say Rue but I beg to differ. As much as I love Rue, she didn't have the worst death, instead the saddest one with an honorable memorial. But I think the worst death would probably be Glimmer.

I hated Glimmer so much! But after all, her death was notably horrible. SPOILER ALERT It must've been so horrible to get stung by a tracker jacker. Unfortunately, her death was 't quick nor painless. Glimmer, as a matter of fact, was twitching, her heart was beating but soon slipped to a coma. Venom bloated into her body grotesquely and started oozing green pus. Then exploded. Seriously, that was probably a horrible death.

Also Cato, whose limbs were ripped apart and guts were eaten by mutts.

And Finnick who lost his head.


But I seriously think that Glimmer's death was still horrible.

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