Monday, February 6, 2012

The Hunger Games Challenge: Day Two HAS VERY FEW SPOILERS

If you pass reading the Hunger Games (first book), you can still read this but there is some parts that contain spoilers. I'll tell you when and where to skip but if you are on Catching Fire, I suggest that you can read this but if you're up to the part where it may contain spoilers, I don't blame you. Just stop reading this post. If you're on Mockinjay, go right ahead and read. You're already past that part. But I warn you to be careful on what you're about to read because it does contain spoilers, just not a lot. I will now discontinue my rambling and go on with my thoughts on my least favorite character(s).

Day Two: Your Least Favorite Character(s)

Please tell me you read the beginning? Thanks okay. So again, the question only said 'character' but I had only two in mind. And um some of you might not like my choosing. Sorry so here is my list of people I dislike:

1. President Snow
2. Gale Hawthorne
3. Mrs. Mellark

Most Of you I bet noticed President Coin is on there but I don't really care much about that old bat. I mean don't get me wrong, I really don't like her as much as other characters but I just don't care about her...

Many of you also notice that Gale is on the list. I knew it, I knew for sure that there would be Gale fans reading this *cough* Charlotte *cough* and I'm sorry but I just really HATE Gale Hawthorne! He is so annoying. I hate it when he calls Katniss "Catnip". Yeah, I know it's harmless to call her that but is it too much to ask for him to call her "Katniss"? I also really hate his cockiness and being too overprotective over Katniss. I'd like to say he does NOT own Katniss so he has no right to be pissed off at Peeta for everything they do.


And with Peeta it's completely different, Peeta even gave Katniss a locket of Gale's picture knowing it will make her happy. Gale only tried to hate Peeta because Peeta has what Gale can't have. There were so many things Peeta did for Gale and all he ever did was release him from prison which wasn't any of his business.

I actually blame Gale for Prim's death. He didn't kill her directly but I think he still killed her from the bomb in Mockingjay. It was his idea, he had to be aware that his family and friends were still in District 12 at the time. Gale had to be aware that Rory, Posy, Hazelle, and more were looking at him for help but he turned them down and bombed their home. Its not much but it was the place where he was born and raised. That's gotta mean something to Gale, right?

I finally dislike Gale because maybe almost everything he did. He turned Katniss down when she was acting to be in love with Peeta. What kind of friend does that? It's not even his problem so you shouldn't even be involved. I dislike Gale to try to hate Peeta. Again, he should stop being involved with Katniss's love life. It's her business and STAY OUT.

People should skip up to the next paragraph if you previously skipped the Gale hating.

President Snow should die in a hole. Oh wait he already died. I bet he is in hell right now for her selfish and evil deeds he committed. He did so many. President Snow killed both his enemies and his allies back then, which is why he had blood in his breath. READ THE BOOK SMART ALEC'S THEN YOU'LL GET IT.

SKIPPY to the second paragraph...

President Snow is the reason for everything. The reason why Rue died. The reason why District 12 exploded. The reason why Finnick never got the chance to see his child. The reason why Peeta lost trust in Katniss. Everything. President Snow messed up Peeta's mind and (not chronic order) forced Katniss to marry Peeta. He threaten to hurt loved ones if he didn't have it his way.

Innocent teenagers must fight against each other (even if you must kill your love one [Peeta and Katniss] and even if you are a soul who is so kind). It doesn't matter to Pres. Snow, you and your sibling could be reaped and you are destined to kill each other. Rue was most likely the youngest tribute in the 74th games and didn't deserve to die at such a young age. President Snow doesn't care he just loves the suffering of innocent and harmless citizens.

SKIPPY unless you finished Catching Fire or near Mockingjay (I can't remember, but I would skip this if you didn't finish Mockingjay, just to be on the safe side).

President Snow is responsible for Finnick's death. Although Finnick annoys that crap out of me sometimes, I have pity in him. He had a pretty woman who truly loved him and a son. Finnick never even got to meet his son :(

You can stop skipping. Sorry if this is SUPER DUPER confusing to you.

Now Mrs. Mellark is a mom you don't want to mess with. She beats her children up and has no faith in Peeta during the games. I remember her saying that Peeta might not make it alive but she complimented Katniss. Okay, I admit, Mrs. Mellark was probably reasonable that Peeta wouldn't survive but she had to faith in her son. And if you don't have faith in Peeta, you should at least not say it in front of him, especially since your the mom!

I dislike how Mrs. Mellark beats up her kids for the most trivial reasons, such as a very, very young Peeta baking burnt bread. She thought Peeta was a mindless fool who is so vulnerable just because he is the youngest. Mrs. Mellark deserves to die in a hole as well. :)

Well, I hope you respect my opinions and I can understand if my facts are a little inaccurate. It's been a long time since I read the Hunger Games *cough* as soon as it came out *cough* so I am rereading the Hunger Games so this could jog my memory for the movie. I'm currently on the part where Katniss shot an arrow in the pig's apple during the feast. :D

Absolutely amazing. <3

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