Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Hunger Games: Day Fifteen

Hello, friends! So since I'm sick, I have to stay home while my family is at church. It sucks cause I really wanted to go to church but now I feel all crotchety. But hopefully I can make the Hunger Games book today. So here is the challenge today: your least favorite tribute (aside from Peeta and Katniss).

Well first off, I never hated Katniss and I LOVE Peeta. But if you ask me, I would say either Clove. There's something about Clove that I never really liked. In my thoughts, I always thought of Clove as a mean-spirited type of girl who thought she was cocky like Foxface.

But there's a difference between Foxface and Clove. See, Foxface knows what she's doing and she never got herself caught into any danger while Clove sort of knows what she's doing but she thinks she's better than the rest because of that. Foxface seems to be a humble person and Clove looks kind of snobbish.

But I may never know.

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