Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Hunger Games Challenge: Day Fourth

Everyone is free to read here :D

Okay so today's challenge is: a character you love that everyone hates.

Um... I have three but no one really hates one of them and the others, I just like them... Don't ask. Here's my list:

1. Foxface
2. Glimmer
3. Cato

I explained before about Foxface so I won't really sink into that (check day one).

I like Glimmer because Katniss is not the only girl who can shoot with a bow and a quiver of arrows. To me, she sort of reminded me as a blonde Katniss, only prettier. I don't know for a fact it's just the bow and arrows that Glimmer and Katniss are similar about. Actually, I was really sad when she blew up because of the tracker jacker.

I can understand why many people hated Cato. He is not hesitant to kill tributes and can literally snap someone's neck if he wanted to and can choke someone to death. Cato is believed to be the most dangerous, most feared, and second strongest tribute in the seventy-fourth games (first is Thresh). But Cato only did this to survive. The game is simple. It's kill or be killed. He has no choice but to kill everyone. And maybe he was cocky and mean-spirited to throw people off and scare them (which he did). But to me, Cato is just another boy who is acting to be mean.

Hoped you admire my opinion, KK buh bye.

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