Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Hunger Games Challenge: Day Three

Okay of those of you haven't read Catching Fire, STAY OUT. KK bye now.

So day three's challenge is: a character you hate that everyone loves.

I made up my mind and I chosen three. Two of them I don't really hate but just dislike since hate is SUCH a strong word. Here's my infamous list:

1. Gale Hawthorne
2. Finnick Odair
3. Katniss Everdeen

Those of you who read my past posts read about my rants of Gale so I won't dwell so much into it before I burst into hatred.

The other two I don't hate but I find sometimes annoying.

Because of my fondness with Peeta, I really hated how she manipulated him (okay I admit, it was for survival but still). It was very sad watching Peeta be hopelessly in love with Katniss when she only used him just for sponsors. Katniss ignored/avoided Peeta throughout the eleven years and all of a sudden (this confused a lot of people in district twelve, I bet) the next you know, she's "madly" in love with Peeta. Pretty unbelievable.

I guess I also find Finnick annoying from time to time. I always thought he was arrogant at first and conceited but I began to feel like the only people he actually cared about besides himself was Annie and his soon to be son (well he died so yeah, soon to be)

I'm not saying Katniss is a Mary Sue or Finnick is a Gary Stu but the challenge was who everyone likes but I hate. Everyone has their flaws so people can relate to them. That's what a writer is all about which is why I admire Suzanne Collins.

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