Monday, February 20, 2012

The Hunger Games Challenge: Day Sixteen

The challenge today is: a question you wished had been answered on the book.

I have a lot...

1. What happens to Gale?
What job did he get?
What happens for his epilogue?

2. How did Haymitch and Cinna get involved into the conspiracy of the rebellion against the Capitol?

3. I would like to read more about Mrs. Everdeen and Mr. Everdeen: how they met, how in love they were, crap like that.

4. I would also like to know how Maysilee Donnor had the pin.

5. What are the names of Katniss and Peeta's children?

6. Out of curiosity, did Coin have a history with Snow?

7. Was the Undersea's a part of the conspiracies against the Rebellion? Or was it just the Victors?

8. Who was the girl that started the fire? I always felt it was Madge but I don't really know for sure who it was.

9. Why did Suzanne Collins have to kill of Finnick Odair?

I guess we may never know.

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