Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hunger Games Chapter One (In District 10): Dreary Dairy

Jerry's parents owned a dairy shop.

Arlene's parents also owned a dairy shop.

Their dairy shops are right across from each other and they always have a rivalry between each other. Arlene's parent's shop was called Sparle's Cheeses and Milk. Jerry's was Samson's Dairy. Everyday, when they go to school, they meet on top of a tree branch to watch the sandbox they used to play on when they were younger. Usually, they talk about how silly their parents compete.

"I agree, it's just a dairy shop, equally great," Jerry shrugged.
"If we had a dairy shop, we would be better so they would quit squabbling," Arlene sighed.
"That's true. I have an idea, we can trade recipes for a day so they can be equally good!"
"I don't know," she was uncomfortable. Her mom and dad specifically told her not to expose their recipe of concentrated milk. But one recipe won't hurt anyone, right?
"Oh come on, it's just one. I'll trade with you," Jerry didn't give up.
"Okay," somehow, Arlene was very rueful about this. But she's know him all her life, there's gotta be some trust there.
"We can run to our store's really quick before lunch ends."
"Okay," Arlene repeated.

Suddenly, a man with a crispy voice crept up behind them. "HEY, YOU TWO KIDS GET OFF TREE!"

Arlene and Jerry climbed off the tree obediently and walked away from the Peacekeeper. "Stupid Peacekeeper," Jerry grumbled.

Arlene giggled. The two head off to class. One hour later, it was lunchtime, and Arlene caught Jerry not running out of the school.

"I got to finish a test," Jerry replied. Arlene didn't really believe him but she had no time. She ran to the dairy shop. Her parents weren't in the dairy shop, when she entered she found a note that said, "Gone to do some errands. Be back at 2:30"

Arlene glanced at the time. "Crap, it's 2:15!" she ran inside her father's office and found a whole shelf of recipes. Arlene grabbed a recipe book. Arlene closed the office door and locked the back door of the shop. She was able to run back, sparing two minutes and saw Jerry with a book that said, "DAIRY RECIPES AND ET CETERA" by Roberts Samson, Jerry's dad.

Quickly, Jerry and Arlene swapped books and walked to their parent's car. Arlene felt the queasiness of epinephrine in the car. When they got home, Arlene summoned her mom and dad.

"Yes, Arlene?" her mother asked.
"I have a recipe book. It's about dairy!" Arlene said enthusiastically, handing the book to her parents.
"This is the Samson's recipe book! Great! How did you get this, dear?" her father asked, studying the cover.
"Jerry and I swapped recipes," Arlene smiled.

Suddenly, Arlene's parents frowned. "Arlene, we told you, never expose the recipes!" her mother scolded.
"But look, we have their recipes so we're even!" Arlene convinced.
When her father opened the book, it was nothing but blank pages. He flipped to every book and not one page had anything written. The three looked out the window and saw hungry customers lining up for milk. Most of the customers held milk bottles and saw Robert Samson continue milking the cow and saw Mrs. Samson reading over their recipe book.

"ARLENE!" her parents yelled.
"I-I I am so sorry!" she apologized.
They watched over the store, Arlene feeling betrayed.

The next day, it was Reaping Day, Arlene felt very miserable. Jerry was her friend and he betrayed her like trash. She failed her family and failed to have a REAL friendship. They ignored each other, Arlene occasionally glared at Jerry who laughed it off. If only looks can kill, she thought.

Jerry was walking back home and Arlene ran to catch up with him. "How dare you?!" she yelled at him. Jerry ignored her. "I thought we were friends!"

"Of course not," he replied, still having his back turned to him. "Our family are rivals, I am not friends with an enemy."

"We don't have to be enemies! You told me, when we were kids that we need to be equal!"

"You are a gullible fool, Arlene."

"At least I don't betray people I call my friends," Arlene held back tears.

"Whatever you say, clearly, you're jealous that our shop is better."

"This isn't the Jerry I know. The Jerry I know is loyal!"

"I am loyal, to my family."

"I hope you get reaped, by the way!" Arlene gasped. She didn't mean to say those awful words, but having your friends deceive you like that, all your anger just needs to pour out from you. Jerry stopped walking. Jerry couldn't believe what he just heard. He wiped his nose and ran away.

Arlene remorsefully sniffles and walked the other way, knowing her way is supposed to be the direction Jerry was running to. But no, she can't stand even walking the same direction as him. That how much hatred Arlene had on Jerry, the person who was her only friend.

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