Monday, February 20, 2012

Hunger Games Chapter One: (In District 9) Abandoment

A/N: I know Suzanne Collins never wrote down what District 9 specializes so I'll just use whatever the movie poster which is grain. In opinion, I think that's a really stupid idea because doesn't District 11 already have grain (they focus in agriculture in general). Oh well, Mrs. Suzanne should have told us. Anyway...

Casey's POV (A/N: lol, it's been a really long time since I made point of views. Btw, since I gone this far, if you are my friend in real life, it's advisable to look an my older post, Hunger Games Notice so you would know who is who. If I haven't got into you yet, just wait, you'll be there sooner or later, I just need to pair you up with someone and put you in a district)

Casey's POV (for real)

The sun was blazing down my sweaty skin as I pulled weeds from the farm. I wiped the beads of sweat trickling down my head and breathed heavily. I pulled out grain and thrown it into my large pile of grain, carrying it to a wain and sat next to Eathan. My friend, Julie, whistled flirtatiously. I mouthed "Shut Up!"

Julie found out I liked Eathan when I was eleven years old. Now, I'm thirteen and I could care less about him. And anyway, he ignored me after he found out I liked him. Before, he was a very good friend to me, so kind, so sweet. Until he found some gold hidden in the dirt on day and so he got popular.

No worries, I guess. He became a jerk afterwards, I guess that's why I didn't like him anymore. Trying to ignore Eathan while he's riding me to the factory, I rub my bloody blisters. Right now, I should be at school, but ever since my father past away due to an accident in the factory, we are nearly broke. Since I am the oldest, I should work in the grainery fields. My mom sadly was taken to the Capitol for punishment so I must maintain my two other little sisters and earn some money.

The ride was bumpy, the grain buckets kept bouncing everywhere, some of the grain spilled out. I grasped the wooden handle of my seat and flipped my long blonde hair onto my right shoulder. Earthen cleared his voice, I still didn't feel like talking to him. He's just a ride, that's all.


"Hey, Casey," Eathan greeted.

"Hi," Casey said back, not making eye contact.

"Beautiful weather out here," he said.

"Are you kidding me? It's like 90° out here. I'm close to dehydration."


"Yeah," Casey answered, thinking why he would make that statement.

"Casey, I was wondering… What happened to us?" Eathan asked.

"What do you mean?"

"We stopped being friends, you were my only friend."

"You made new ones, then ignored me, then I was forced to make new friends. But that Julie girl is a pretty cool girl," she replied.

"I ignored you? No, it was vice versa," Eathan said.

"Only because you ignored me," Casey protested. She saw the entrance of the factory and jumped off the wain.

Eathan made an abrupt stop because of her jump off. Casey climbed onto the trink and dragged two buckets that is probably filled with combinations of grains and wheat like: spelt, farro, emmer, einkorn, and buckwheat. I ran to the entrance, first identified by a Peacekeeper, and entered inside as Eathan called something very indistinct.


Just when I as handing a bucket to a Marco, a worker, a Peacekeeper pulled my shoulder next to him. All I could think of was wondering what I did, and how I will brutally get hurt. I whimpered in fear when he turned me around so I had to look at his face, or actually his helmet.

Could this be it, will I turn into an Avox?

"How old are you?" the Peacekeeper asked.

"Thirteen years old, ma'am," I feebly mumbled.

"Are you aware today is Reaping Day? You need to get home and get dressed, it's strictly madatory that you must look presentable and not dress in grime and overalls with untidy hair. Now go on," she gestured to the door.

I willingly ran to my house and gasped for air. Kaylee was already dressed and ordered me to wash up. I glanced at the clock. 1 hour and 50 minutes until doom.


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